Saturday, November 6, 2010

Hitting the double digits! Ten months!

Lily is 10 months old today!  She's growing way too fast!  She has  been crawling and pulling up on things and will be walking around before we know it!  She has three words in her vocabulary and they just happen to be her three favorite things: "mama," "dah," and "bahbah!"  Every day she learns so much!  It's amazing....just like her. :)

Happy 10th "month-day" Lilybug!

-Scott & Candace

Monday, November 1, 2010

First Post!

Hi all,
We've decided to make this blog in order to keep our friends and family up to date with our life with Lily! Hope you enjoy! :)

We'll start from the beginning...

Meet baby Lily, born January 6, 2010.  

The family & Lily at 1 month!!
Her first Valentine's Day!  1 month old! 
2 months old! 
By 3 months she had learned to SMILE!  This is her first easter with her BEAUTIFUL easter dress her Grami bought her! 
 4 months old! 
Her very first 4th of July!  She loved fireworks!!!  5 months old!

6 month photo shoot!

7 months!

8 months old and ready for her 1st day at daycare!! 
9 months old now and we just celebrated our first halloweenie as a bumble bee! 

We're now counting down for her 10 "month-day"...5 more days! 
Man, time has flown!

We love you so much Lily.  Every day is an amazing adventure with you!

-Scott & Candace 
AKA "mama" and "dah"